A TV Reality Series – with heart and humor
Synopsis – Five women and a gay couple from the affluent world of Bel-Air are all seeking the limelight. And they think they’ve found the answer to their ambitions: the fifty billion dollar pet industry. Our ambitious cast attempt to turn their cute pooches into pet celebrities, via commercials, TV shows, magazine covers, and doggie products.
The exclusive canine world we enter is a unique and fascinating subculture but in the series it is simply the catalyst to get inside the lives and minds of the cast. Over the coming seasons we’ll follow these adoring ‘moms’ as they focus all their attentions on their little micro-bitches. They might weigh less than a few pounds but potentially they can return fortunes.
We follow our six main characters as their lives unfold – for good and for bad. Each of the ‘moms’ has ‘her’ own story. They all have skeletons, they all have egos, and their personalities match their ambitions. The whole cast is in competition with each other. They attend the same events and the same auditions all wanting to be top dog. So they fight, cheat, and do whatever it takes to win.
There’s drama at every turn from the ensemble cast – Dazza, the master of manipulation, Tanya, the over-zealous drama queen, Marisa, the sexually confused trust fund beauty, Patrik & Pol, the protective gay ‘moms’, and Melanie, the society girl with plenty to hide.
The key to this show is the drama and the comedy surrounding these characters and their pampered pooches. We’ll meet them at the exclusive Hollywood canine clubs, the groomers, the dog hotels, at events like Yappy Hour, Bark-mitsva’s, therapy class, and doggie yoga.
They fight, they snarl, they bite …and they delight …cos there’s never a dull moment with The Bitches of Bel-Air.
Production Company – Edge West Productions (
Episode Length – One Hour
Creators and Producers - Philip J. Day & Paula Paizes
Representation -William Morris Endeavor – Ryan McNeilly
Intended Audience – Women, dog lovers and gay men – 25 to 55
Number of Episodes per season – 10 – 13
Bitches of Bel-Air
Potential Segment Story Lines
- It’s the young royal Prince of Saudi’s annual party, and the Bitches of Bel-Air have been invited. The entire troupe turn up to the vast mansion with their pups dressed to the nines. All goes well until Prince Charming pees on the royal’ familys finest silk sofa, Princess Amber eats most of the cakes, and Khloe tries to have sex with the host’s pet cat. It leads to a huge scene with everyone yelling at each other and the group find themselves escorted out by security.
- Prince is invited to participate in 2014 WOOF STOCK, the largest outdoor festival for dogs in the USA. This year it’s in Texas and the Bitches go on a road trip to support Prince Charming. Chaos, heartache and lost puppies turn this ‘family’ journey on its head.
- Patrick and Pol invite Tanya and Gigi to a spa and hair day at The CLUB BEVERLY HILLS – the well known private members only dog club for LA’s rich and famous pooches. Gigi – the mop haired French poodle – has an attempted hair makeover, which ends in disaster. Pol & Patrik question her motives but Tanya defends her choice to allow Gigi to do the cover of new magazine LICK.
- Dazza and Prince Charming are running the RUFF PUPPY doggie clothes line – from a warehouse in down town LA – from bejeweled evening robes to day-time casual, Ruff Puppy caters for expensive tastes. Dazza is stressed as she is straddling her canine business with her other interests including charities, fashion consultancy, even representing half a dozen upcoming fine artists. Dazza turns her back on her other duties and runs off to do the Versace magazine shoot with Prince Charming.
- English rose, Melanie Mar, is more than aware that Crumpet is a mutt. Cute and adorable but a mutt nonetheless. And as much as she loves him her ambition drives her to want a pure breed pup and train her for stardom – just like the other bitches. Who will she chose? How much will she pay? Who is destined for fame and fortune? But when the new baby returns to the homestead Crumpet becomes insanely jealous. He barks, growls, howls and even bites the little pup. Will she survive or will Melanie be forced to put the little cutie up for adoption?
- Khole’s sex tape has gone viral and so has Khole’s sex life. She can’t stop humping. Marisa’s father, Howard, a gay cardiologist encourages Marisa to find Khloe some help. Patrik suggests taking Khloe to see the “Animal Communicator” – dog therapist associated with The CLUB. Marjorie does not want to organize it, as Marisa and Khloe are not members. Pol convinces her to acquiesce and she sets up the session with Cassidy.
- Tanya wants to join the CLUB – Marjorie Lewis – owner of Club with her daughter Alison are concerned that Tanya and Gigi do not have the right pedigree for the Club. Drama ensues as Harvard grad Tanya is offended by the rebuff. Tanya goes on a search for another Club that will accept Gigi e.g. the WAGS CLUB etc.
- Melanie Mar and Dazza Brigette know each other from Bel Air social circles. They decide to co-host a Yappy Hour at Dazza’s house and invite a few pooches they know. All the bitches prepare for the big day. Pol gets busy and makes Snow White a new dress for the occasion. They all get primed and pimped out at the groomers with Paw Baths, Pawfume, Pawdicure’s etc.
- At the Yappy Hour drama ensues when Pol calls Amber fat, Snow White falls in the pool and Prince Charming sniffs out Khloe, much to Dazza’s chagrin. Pol takes Snow White to a DOGA class to de-stress.
- Patrik and Pol try to find Snow White an agent. They go to Le Paws and The Animal Agency to get representation. Patrik is completely dissatisfied with the experience so he decides to set up a Pooch branch of his own modeling agency. He starts pitching Snow White to the Pet Companies. Marjorie from the CLUB has a relationship with PET HEAD and suggests an introduction to them. Snow White gets the gig.
- The entire crew are leaving town for a dog show in Austin, Texas. But they can’t take their pooches – South West Airline policy. So they decide to leave them overnight at D-Hotel, one of the most exclusive doggie sanctuaries around. The bitches battle over who will take the best rooms, the New Yorker, The Parisian, The Roman but for all of them there are webcams the ‘moms’ can watch their darlings at all times.
- Daza has picked up a stray. But it’s a guy not a dog. She has a real taste for wealthy Arabs – and this dark, tall, handsome guy is certainly rich – he arrives in a quarter of a million dollar Lamborghini. He looks like potential boyfriend material, even if she has to keep him under the radar so that her sugar daddy doesn’t find out. But the problem is Prince Charming really doesn’t like the intruder. Every opportunity PC pees on the intruder, or bites his ankles, or sits between them during an intimate moment.
- Ex Ms. UK, Liz wants to start an exclusive doggie pageant with Pol and Patrik. They hatch a business plan. Liz can bring her Pageant expertise to the table; Pol can make the doggie couture and Patrik can rep the winners. It’s a perfect recipe for disaster.
- Liz and Kahn plan their wedding in Malibu. Amber will be the ring bearer. Liz and the dog start dieting. Liz buys Amber the FIT FUR LIFE treadmill. Kahn is in training for the Mr. Universe competition. Liz and Amber and Pol, Patrik and Snow White are huge supporters and go with him to several muscle men events.
- Dazza flashes back to how she found Prince. She takes us on her journey to Korea, to find her PURE BREED POM. She is hoodwinked, cheated and robbed but eventually finds her dream dog. A tiny white fluff ball that pees all over her Christine D’Or $10,000 dress. It’s instant chemistry. She coughs up $20,000 for her new accessory but immigration papers for the regally named Prince Charming are held up by corrupt officialdom and she’s forced to call on favors.
- Melanie has started a new Eyelash lengthening company called ALL ABOUT THE EYES. The group attends her RED CARPET opening and has to fight off the PUPARRAZI. Melanie attends with her boyfriend, Scott. Melanie wants to have a baby and is attempting surrogacy. Her last embryo transfer failed so she is trying again. The question is who is the father? The Italian or Scott?
- Melanie has a clothing line called LOVE for T- Shirts and shorts. Melanie decides to set up a doggie clothing line as part of her LOVE collection called LOVE PUPPY. This makes Dazza furious and the real bitching begins!
- The group attends a friend’s Bark Mitzvah at the Ritz Carlton in Laguna Beach. It’s the biggest event of the year for the family and they have perfection in mind but when Princess Amber eats the birthday cake things get a little out of hand.
- Patrik has registered Snow White as a show dog. Bitches support Snow White in her first ‘Dog Show’. But when one of the female guests tries to smuggle the new starlet out in her handbag, a desperate search finally discovers the culprit and the prize. Pol and Patrik need therapy and decide to employ a bodyguard for Snow White.
- Khloe finally gets a magazine cover offer, Ciao Wowo. But Marisa’s girlfriend argues that Marissa and Khloe shouldn’t do it because the magazine is clearly anti-lesbian. Marissa is caught between her quest to make Khloe famous and falling in step with her new sugar-mommy. It’s a tough decision.
- Patrik produces a Snow White 2014 calendar, Pol will be making all the clothes and Snow White will be the model & face of the calendar months. Each month will feature Snow White in a different costume theme & of course the June she will be in a bikini.
- On the ‘tails’ of his success at Woof Stock, Prince Charming is offered a blog on The Doggington Post. Dazza and Prince take meetings with the editors to try close the deal. But then the question of legitimate papers for Prince Charming’s pedigree put the deal into jeopardy.
- Snow White starts to hit the big time. She has now done many covers, calendars, red carpets and “ shows” and is the poster pooch of many pet products. She is constantly recognized in the street and TMZ follow her everywhere. However, she is a PURE DIVA – Justin Beiber with fluffy white fur. They enroll her in Doggie Behavior School to get over herself!
- Crumpet develops really bad breath. Mel takes him for Breath Treatment at The Club but nothing works. All his regulars decide that they draw the line at halitosis and Mel’s phone stops ringing. Mel is worried that she might not recover her clients and decides now is the time to bite the bullet and get a new fresh faced pup. Crumpet’s days are numbered.
- Tanya wants to revive Gigi’s career and her own. She returns from Portugal after abandoning Gigi for nearly 6 months wanting to cut a new hit summer sound track with the two of them. But the reunion doesn’t go according to plan. Giggi has a massive heart attack… and dies.
- Bel-Air’s tribute to Gigi has seen no equivalent – dog lovers from all around the country are invited to pay respects for the phenomenal poodle. Her tiny cask is paraded through the leafy suburb aon a horse drawn chariot. Leading the procession is Tanya dressed in black and although no one is on the streets, she knows that behind the large portico windows of the vast mansions, that many are shedding tears for her dear, dear departed bitch.
Sex Sent Me To The ER
Every Saturday 10 PM
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