Edge West Productions works with a variety of individuals but we’d like to give a big hats off to some of our favorites. Listed below please find a great group of individuals who have helped Edge West produce some great shows over the years.
Clare Brown
Production Design Art Direction
Born in Glasgow Scotland, Clare went to Childscourt School an A.S. Neil based education. This was her beginnings of stage design on the in school productions of Ballet and Plays, six per year.
She went on and earned her B.A. In 3D Interior Design at Chelsea School of Art, London. Interned under the great production designer, Anton Furst. for the first “Batman” film shooting at Pinewood.
Clare moved to America in 1992 where she built her resume starting as a Art Dept. PA. Since that time Clare has worked on 40 projects where due to hard work she has moved up to head the department on numerous feature films, television series, music videos and shorts.
Clare’s first experience with Edge West started with “The Roswell Incident” and has continued to date with the up and coming “Born to Rage?” and “Vanished from Alcatraz”
The love of the challenge, working with people and the creative avenue that Production Designs allows is her true love and passion.
Wes Dorman
Director of Photography
Wes Dorman has been working as a Cinematographer for close to 30 years, and having worked on projects for all the major networks. In recent years, shot critically acclaimed documentaries about Werner Herzog and Richard Thompson In the Edges: The Grizzly Man Session plus Dreams with Sharp Teeth with Harlan Ellison. Wes has found himself shooting a variety of subject, from extreme ride coaster shows to reality television. But you will mostly find him shooting documentaries and recreations.
Recently, having shot a variety of films for Edge West Productions including, Nasca Lines: The Buried Secrets and Vanished from Alcatraz, including recreations for these and a variety of other projects.
Jeremy Gilbreath
1st Assistant Director / Actor
Jeremy has worked with Edge West as our 1st Assistant Director for many films and enjoys working with our production team.
Jeremy is also a performer of the arts. He has been is such films as Pearl Harbor, Little Black Book and Haunted Mansion. Jeremy Gilbreath is a native Texan and came to LA about 10 years ago to peruse his dreams in the film industry. He began his career both in front of and behind the camera.